Horn Driver Matrix is a new horn driver simulation method. It offers the virtual horn-driver absolute SPL frequency response. The method comprises one driver Plane Wave Tube measurement (Real World) and one horn Finite Element Analysis (Virtual World). With the proposed method, to virtualize a horn driver is sufficient the compression driver SPL frequency response PWT measurement + the horn FEA. To achieve the correlation between FEA and measurement a new software with a new equation has been proposed.
Application examples:
With this method is possible to model the horn as a sort of mechanical cross-over towards the driver frequency response, obtaining the desired alignment minimizing cross-over elements and reducing also time-to-market;
This method is useful to plot SPL frequency response of a virtual horn combined with several real compression drivers’ response and vice-versa;
With compression drivers frequency response database is possible to fast predict SPL of each driver with the simulated horn, without physically building horn;
A further application of the method could be a company website with a routine providing frequency response charts automatically, without performing real measurements.