Phase Plug Support

Phase Plug Support is the first software of the audio transducers panorama permitting accurate annular phase plug design for compression drivers with a dome membrane assembly. PPS reduces time to market for compression drivers, with this tool is possible to design products with several slots and various phase plug expansions as Catenoid, Exponential, Cosh, Sinh, Conic. The software offers the opportunity to set mechanical and acoustical parameters as dome and rings geometry, frequency cut-off (minimum step= 1 Hz), axis samples number, flare constant, driver exit OD, phase plug length, compression ratio, environment temperature and humidity (average working temperature and humidity of the compression driver internal path. These information are important in horn design and in the phase plug path are the keys to obtain a high-quality final result of expected low frequency response). PPS displays the half section of phase plug progression in which is possible to edit every points position, keeping the equations established in advance by the expansion, to create any required phase plug shape. PPS automatically generates a database where records all routed designs and from where it is possible to recall designs. The saved files are 2D x,y points, ready to import into your CAD software to create the mechanical parts of your compression driver.